4511 Doss Rd. Austin, TX 78734
New Paragraph
We are proud to offer a quality living arrangement for RVers. Our residents are a diverse group; some traveling, some retired, some working in the area and others escaping the high rents of Austin.
RVers can choose from 80 spacious sites (some with concrete pads) for easy parking. Five of our sites are pull-thrus and 45 accommodate double slideouts. Each of our RV sites features full hookups, including cable TV, so you'll never be without the comforts of home! Each site is individually metered with 30 or 50 amp service. Pets are allowed on a leash in the RV Park.
In addition, we offer 7 efficiency rooms leased on a monthly basis . The rooms come with cable TV. Occupancy is limited to two people. Sorry, no pets in the motel. The evenings are peaceful after a long day on the lake.
Kurt Priebe, Facebook Review
Sandy Whitted Allen, Facebook Review
Oumy Ndiaye, Facebook Review
4511 Doss Rd.
Austin, TX 78734
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